Toolbox: supercharge your drones

Payload control

Payload control
Direct control of drone hardware from the dashboard - gimbal adjustment, camera settings, speakers, delivery boxes, etc.

Cockpit mode

Cockpit mode
Full control of in-flight drone with a pilot's-eye view from the camera. Drones can be operated from thousands of miles away!

GPS loss

GPS loss
Drones lock themselves in place in cases of signal loss. If the signal doesn't return in time, the drone will gently land itself.

Terrain recognition

Terrain recognition
Alters flight plans to avoid conflicts with natural obstacles, according to system data.

Hot replacement

Hot replacement
Autonomous dispatch of a replacement drone when an in-mission drone is low on battery, providing seamless mission continuity.

Collision avoidance

Collision avoidance
Real-time monitoring and automated navigation adjustments to prevent mid-air conflicts.

Share link

Share link
Creates a web link to the live video stream of any of your drones, for sharing with third party recipients.

Precision landing

Precision landing
Guides drones to chosen landing spots with pinpoint accuracy, widening mission scope and enabling autonomous charging.

Object detection

Object detection
Detects, identifies and counts people and vehicles. Drones can also track a chosen object even if it is moving quickly.

Weather widget

Weather widget
Up-to-the-hour meteorological data such as wind speed and direction, rainfall and humidity. Definition of ‘fair’ conditions can be configured.

Mapping tool

Mapping tool
Guides drones in creation of 2D and 3D maps within a defined polygon. The system can update its own map according to this data in real time.

Control tower

Control tower
Establishes a virtual control tower region for your operations. Within the CTR you are covered by High Lander’s Vega UTM network, ensuring airspace awareness and regulatory compliance.
Orion turns drones into specialized tools for applications including security, deliveries, first response, precision agriculture, and more.