Few professions carry as much respect as that of the first responder. Firefighters, paramedics and police officers are the superheroes we rely on to arrive quickly when something bad happens. Unfortunately, first responders don’t really have superpowers. Response times are affected by road conditions and traffic, and first responders often find themselves in danger because they don’t know what to expect before they arrive at a scene.
Fortunately, we have the technology to remedy all of these issues.

Robotican, a company based in southern Israel, plans to provide its ‘Goshawk’ drones as first responders to police, ambulance, and fire services throughout Israel.
Originally designed as a drone interceptor, the Goshawk can launch in less than 10 seconds and reach speeds of 110 kph. Unaffected by ground obstacles, the Goshawk will get to scenes first and provide first responders with information via its high-quality camera. This means that ground teams will be able to assess situations before arrival and be better prepared to take immediate action - for example, how to best put out a fire, or what medical care is needed. In the case of crime scenes, the drone will establish presence, which can deter criminal behavior and prevent damage to property and harm to officers.
However, in order for such a system to be integrated - and especially if it is autonomous - the drones need to safely fit into civil airspace. And that’s where High Lander’s Universal UTM comes in.
With the UTM, the Goshawks will receive flight plan approvals and adjustments, real-time flight monitoring and in-flight conflict warnings, as well as prioritizing first response drones over other drones, in the same way that first-response road units receive right of way of the road. Together, the systems could provide a nationwide network of first response drones that operate as a harmonious part of the civilian airspace - and we have now completed the first stage of integration with the conclusion of successful simulated flights.
So if you ever find yourself in trouble, don’t bother looking for Superman – listen for the buzz of a drone.
